Loosely coupled code is easier to maintain, extend, and test. Interfaces and Dependency Injection (DI) help us get there. In this workshop, we'll see how interfaces add "seams" to our code that make it easier to swap out functionality. We'll also see how DI gives us loose coupling for extensibility and testing. And this doesn't have to be complicated; just a few simple changes to our constructors and properties give us huge benefits.
This is your chance to interact with Pluralsight author and international speaker Jeremy Clark as he shares information from his most popular courses, gives practical advice, and answers your questions.
Objectives:Basic understanding of C# and object oriented programming (classes, inheritance, methods and properties). No prior experience with interfaces, DI, or unit testing is necessary.
Installation Guide:Be sure to bring your laptop and power adapter with Visual Studio 2015 installed. Download the free Community Edition here: Visual Studio Community. Installion takes a while, so you'll want to do this in advance.