Workshop Detail

Node.JS Fundamentals 1-Day Workshop

1 Day, Thursday 10/9 by Steve Drucker

During this one-day course you'll learn about how to get NodeJS up and running. You'll review how to respond to http and websocket requests as well as query data from popular databases (mySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB) while using Jade templates to output dynamically constructed markup.


Course Prerequisites
  • Experienced developer, familiar with JavaScript
  • Have basic familiarity with event-driven programming models
Course Objectives
  • Install Node.js and run server-side JavaScript by REPL or file execution
  • Understand the opportunities Node.js is intended to address
  • Understand the Node.js non-blocking IO architectural approach
  • Implement built-in Node.js modules including net and http
  • Organize code using custom modules
  • Find and install modules using the npm package manager tool
  • Implement applications using the Node.js Express framework
  • Connect to Databases and Output Queries into HTML Tables
Course Outline
  1. Introducing the Course
  2. Introducing Node.js
    1. Introducing the Node.js Processing Model
    2. Considering Potential Use-Cases
    3. Installing and Running Node.js
    4. Exercise: Installing Node.js and running code
    5. Understanding Blocking and Callbacks
    6. Coding for Node.js
    7. Exercise: Creating a socket-based chat server
    8. Summary
    9. Review
  3. Using Node.js Modules
    1. Introducing Node.js Modules
    2. Using Node.js Modules
    3. Using the HTTP Module
    4. Using the File System Module
    5. Creating your own custom modules
    6. Exercise: Creating a static HTTP server
    7. Accessing URL and Form Data
    8. Using built-in and third-party Javascripts
    9. Exercise: Routing HTTP requests and using third-party Javascript libraries as modules
    10. Summary
    11. Review
  4. Using the Express.JS Framework
    1. Using the Node.js Package Manager
    2. Introducing Express
    3. Creating an Express.js application
    4. Exercise: Installing Express and Creating a New Application
    5. Introducing POST handling, sessions, and public assets
    6. Exercise: Using Express.js and Session Management
    7. Summary
    8. Review
  5. Working with Databases
    1. SQL or NoSQL?
    2. Working with MySQL
    3. Exercise: Querying a MySQL Database
    4. Outputting structured data in a Jade template
    5. Exercise: Querying a MySQL Database
    6. Working with MongoDB and NoSQL databases
    7. Exercise: Interacting with a NoSQL Database
    8. Working with CouchDB
    9. Exercise: Interacting with CouchDB


Steve Drucker

Steve Drucker

Steve Drucker

Steve Drucker is the founder and president of Fig Leaf Software, a full-service interactive agency based in Washington, DC. Throughout his 20-year career in IT, Steve has led dozens of enterprise web application development initiatives, authored instructor-led courseware for Intel, Sencha, Adobe, JackBe, and others, and remains active in the community as a user group manager and active technology blogger. He is currently developing apps and teaching courses using Sencha Touch, Sencha Ext JS, Acquia Drupal 7, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Adobe ColdFusion, and Node.JS. Contact Steve and find out more about his company at